Chapter- 13 Grow More Trees
Answer the following:-
Q.1) Enlist the benefits of trees.
Ans. Trees provide us with wood, fruits, flowers, homes, rain, oxygen etc.

Q.2) How do trees help in rainfall ?
Ans. Trees help in rainfall by absorbing water from the roots and lose the excess water in the atmosphere in the form of water vapour. This water vapour condenses to form clouds and give us rain.

Q.3) Name the gas taken by plants.
Ans. Carbon dioxide is the gas taken by plants.

Q.4) Name the gas given out by plants.
Ans. Oxygen is the gas given out by plants.

Q.5) Where can we grow trees?
Ans. We can grow trees in our garden, in the government park and in our nearby areas. 

Chapter-12  Save Wildlife
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name three animals which are commonly hunted.
Ans. Animals commonly hunted are elephants, lions and tigers.

Q.2. What are extinct species?
Ans. Certain species of animals which were present long time before and are not present now are known as extinct species.

Q.3. What is migration?
Ans. When animals shift from one place to another in search of food, water and shelter. It is called migration.

Q.4. Why is man cleaning forests?
Ans. Man is cleaning forests for his own needs.

Chapter-11 Sun and Light
Answer the following:-
Q.1. How does sun help us?
Ans. The sun gives us heat and light. It helps all living things grow.

Q.2. How will you show that light travels in straight line?
Ans. When we keep a cardboard in front of our eyes the rays of light do not reach us. This shows that light travels in straight line.

Q.3. What time of the day we get the (i) long shadow (ii) short shadow?
Ans. (i) We get the long shadows in the morning and evening.
        (ii) We get the short shadows at noon.

Q.4. Define shadow.
Ans. When something comes in the way of light, a shadow is formed.

Chapter 10 -  Rocks and Minerals
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name two historical monuments made of sandstone.
Ans. Hawa Mahal and Red Fort are the monuments made of sandstone.

Q.2. Name two soft rocks.
Ans. Coal and chalk are soft rocks.

Q. 3. Name the hardest known substances.
Ans. Diamond is the hardest known substances.

Q.4. Which mineral is used for making glass- ware.
Ans. Silica is used for making glass-ware.

Q.5. Why is graphite used to make pencils?
Ans. Graphite is used to make pencils because it leaves a mark on paper.

Chapter 9 -  Water
Answer the following:-
Q.1. What is surface water?
Ans.  Water which is present on the surface of the earth is known as surface water.

Q.2. What is groundwater?
Ans.  Water which is present below the ground is known as groundwater.

Q.3. Define evaporation.
Ans.  The process by which water changes to water vapours is known as evaporation.

Q.4. Define condensation.
Ans.  The process by which water vapours changes to water is known as condensation.

Q.5. What is water cycle?
Ans.  The cyclic path in which water evaporates from water bodies and fall back onto the earth as rain is known as water cycle.

Q.6. Enlist two ways in which you can save water.
Ans.  (1) We should turn off the taps after using them.
         (2) We should not waste water while bathing.

Chapter- 8 Air, Breeze and Wind
Answer the following:-
Q.1. What is air?
Ans. Air is a mixture of gases.

Q.2. Name two sources of smoke.
Ans. Factories and vehicles.

Q.3. Name two diseases caused by germs.
Ans. Cough and cold.

Q.4. How can you make air pure and clean?
Ans. We can make air pure and clean by planting more trees.

Q.5. Give two effects caused by storm.
Ans. Two effects caused by storm are damage to life and property.

Chapter- 7 Human Safety
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Write three safety rules you will apply:- 
(a) On the road
(b) In the swimming pool
(c) On the playground.
Ans. The three safety rules for each of the following are
(a) On the road:-
(1) Be careful and alert.
(2) Use the footpath for walking.
(3) Do not run on the road.

(b) In the swimming pool:- 
(1) Never go for swimming alone.
(2) Do not play near the swimming pool.
(3) Do not fight, push or pull near the pool.

(c) On the playground :-
(1) Play safe games.
(2) Wait for your turn on swings.
(3) Always play in a park or playground.

Q.2. Name the organ which helps human beings to think.
Ans. The Brain is the organ that helps human beings to think.

Q.3. What is first aid?
Ans.First aid is the immediate treatment given when a person gets hurt or injured before the doctor arrives.

Q.4. We should not play with sharp objects. Explain why?
Ans. We should not play with sharp objects because we may get cut.

Q.5. What will you do, if you touch a hot pan?
Ans. If we touch a hot pan we should Immediately put our hand under running water and then apply an ointment for burns.

Chapter- 6 Keeping Fit
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Define the following.
(a) Energy giving food 
(b) Body building food 
(c) Protective food.
Ans. (a) Energy giving food:- give us energy to work and play.
(b) Body building food:- helps us to grow.
(c) Protective food:- keep us healthy and save us from diseases.

Q.2 Write any five good food habits.
Ans. Five good food habits are:-
1) Eat your food at the proper meal time.
2) Do not eat in between meals.
3) Do not eat in excess.
4) Chew your food well.
5) Wash your hand before and after eating.

Q.3 Why is exercise important for our body? 
Ans. Exercise is important for our body because it keeps our body fit.

Q.4 What is a balanced diet?
Ans. A balanced diet is a diet which contain all the nutrients.

Q.5 How does rest and sleep help us?
Ans. Rest and sleep makes the body fit and mind fresh.

Chapter- 5 The Human Body
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Give any two functions of skeleton?
Ans. The two functions of skeleton are:-
1) It gives shape to our body.
2) It supports and protect the internal organs.

Q.2 Give three conditions when our muscles become strong.
Ans. Our muscles become strong when:-
1) We eat healthy food.
2) We use them regularly.
3) We do various exercises.

Q.3 What is the need for good posture?
Ans. We need to have good posture because it keeps our body in proper shape and good posture makes up look smart. 

Q.4 What is a posture ? 
Ans. The position of our body when we stand, sit or move is called posture.

Q.5 How can you keep a good posture?
Ans. To keep a good posture we must:-
1) Keep our back straight and must not lean.
2) Do not bend your neck and shoulder.

Chapter- 4 Jungle Animals
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Who are herbivores?
Ans. Animals that feed on plants are known as herbivores animals.

Q.2. Who are carnivores?
Ans. Animals that feed on flesh are known as carnivores animals.

Q.3. Who are omnivores?
Ans. Animals that feed on flesh and plants both are known as omnivores animals.

Q.4. Define scavengers.
Ans. Animals that eat flesh of dead animals are called scavengers.

Q.5. Can wild animals be tamed?
Ans. Yes, wild animals can be tamed.

Q.6. Where can tamed animals work?
Ans. Tamed animals can work in a circus.

Chapter- 3 Helping Animals
Answer the following:-
Q.1. What are pet animals?
Ans. Animals that are kept at home are known as pet animals.

Q.2. Why are buffalo, goat and cow called as milch animals?
Ans. Buffalo, goat and cow are called as milch animals because they give us milk.

Q.3. Name three animals who carry load?
Ans. Three animals that carry loads are 
1) Elephant 
2) Horse 
3) Camel

Q.4. Which animal give us silk?
Ans. Silkworm gives us silk.

Q.5. Which animal give us wool ?
Ans. Sheep gives us wool.

Q.6. What does honeybee give us?
And. Honeybees give us honey.

Chapter- 2 Plants Products
Answer the following:-
Q.1. What are spices?
Ans. Spices add flavour to our food that makes it tasty.

Q.2. What are medicinal  plants?
Ans. Medicinal plants are used for curing diseases.

Q.3. From where do we get rubber?
Ans. We get rubber from a rubber tree.

Q.4. Name four plants which give us oil.
Ans. The four plants that give us oil is 
1) Coconut
2) Mustard 
3) Sunflower 
4) Almond.

Q.5. Name two natural fibres.
Ans. The two natural fibers are 
1) Cotton  
2) Jute

 Chapter- 1 Plants around Us
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name two shrubs.
Ans. Sunflower and cotton.

Q.2. Why do climbers need support to grow straight?
Ans. Climbers need support to grow straight because their stems cannot bear the weight of plant.

Q.3. Name two plants having medicinal value.
Ans. Tulsi and mint.

Q.4. Which plants live for many years?
Ans. Trees can live for many years.

Q.5. What is a creeper?
Ans. Creeper is a plant with weak stems and heavy fruits which move on ground.

Q.6. What are thorns? 
Ans. Thorns are sharp, woody and pointed structure.

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