Chapter -20 Means Of Transport
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name three modes of transport that we use for travelling long distances.
Ans. Three modes of transport that we use for travelling long distances are trains, aeroplanes and ships.

Q.2. What are the means of transport that are used in villages?
Ans. In villages, people use bicycles or bullock carts.

Q.3. How are goods sent from one place to another?
Ans. Goods are sent from one place to another by planes, ships, trains and trucks.

Q.4. Name the three cars made in India.
Ans. Three cars made in India are
(1) Nano
(2) Alto and 
(3) Wagonr

Chapter -19 The Invention Of The Wheel
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name five vehicles that move on wheels.
Ans. Five vehicles that move on wheels are Cars, trucks, Jeeps, auto and scooters.

Q.2. How did the early man carry loads before the wheel was invented?
Ans. Early men carried loads on the backs of animals and sledges.

Q.3. What gave man the idea of a wheel?
Ans. While cutting the trees, the early man noticed that round logs of wood rolled very easily down the slopes of the hills. This gave man the idea of a wheel.

Q.4. How did wheel make man's life easier?
Ans. The wheel made man's life easier because he could now travel faster over long distances also carry his goods on carts.

Chapter-18 The Water That We Drink
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Write five uses of water.
Ans. The five uses of water are 
(1) Drinking
(2) Cooking
(3) Bathing
(4) Washing and
(5) Cleaning

Q.2. How do people get water in cities? 
Ans. In cities, people get water from the taps and hand pumps.

Q.3. From where do people get water in villages?
Ans. In villages, people get water from wells, tanks and ponds.

Q.4. Write two ways by which we make the water safe for drinking.
Ans. We make the water safe for drinking by
(1) Boil water.
(2) Filter water.

Chapter-17 The Food That We Eat
Answer the following:-
Q.1. How do fruits and vegetables help us?
And. Fruits and vegetables help us to remain healthy. They protect us from diseases.

Q.2. What happens when we eat stale or uncovered food?
Ans. Stale and uncovered food makes us sick.

Q.3. Name the food items which build our body.
Ans. Food items that build our body are Pulses, milk and meat.

Chapter-16 Seasons
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Name the different seasons we have in India.
Ans. The seasons we have in India are:- 
(1) Summer 
(2) Winter 
(3) Rainy 
(4) Spring

Q.2 When does the rainy season fall?
Ans. The rainy season falls in the months of July, August and September.

Q.3. How do we protect ourselves from the cold?
Ans. We wear woolen clothes to protect ourselves from cold.

Chapter 15 - Telling Time
Answer the following:-
Q.1. How  many hours are there in a day?
Ans. There are 24 hours in a day.

Q.2. What do you see in the sky at night?
Ans. We see the stars and the moon in the sky at night.

Q.3. How many weeks are there in a month?
Ans. There are 4 weeks in a month.

Q.4. How many months are there in a year?
Ans. There are 12 months in a year.

Chapter - 14  Christmas
Answer the following:-
Q.1. When do we celebrate Christmas?
Ans. We celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December every year.

Q.2. Why is Christmas celebrated?
Ans. Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ on Christmas day.

Q.3. Write three lines on how the Christians celebrate Christmas.
Ans. 1) They decorate theirs houses with Christmas Trees and candles.
        2) Special prayers are offered in the churches.
        3) People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.

Chapter- 13  Eid
Answer the following:-
Q.1. How do the Muslims celebrate Eid?
Ans. The Muslims go to mosques to offer Namaz. They embrace each other and wish 'Eid Mubarak'.

Q.2. When is Eid celebrated?
Ans. Eid comes after ramzan. When the new-moon is seen, it is celebrated as Eid.

Q.3. What special sweet dish do the Muslims make on this day?
Ans. The Muslims make a special sweet dish called sevian on this day.

Chapter 12 Guruparabs
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Who was the founder of the Sikhs religion?
Ans. Guru Nanak Dev was the founder of the Sikhs religion.

Q.2 What are the birthdays of the Sikh Gurus celebrated as?
Ans. The Sikhs celebrate the birthdays of their Gurus as Guruparabs.

Chapter 11 Pongal And Onam
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Where and when is Pongal celebrated?
Ans. Pongal is celebrated in Tamil Nadu in the month of January.

Q.2. Where is Onam celebrated?
Ans. Onam is celebrated in Kerala.

Q.3. On which festival are the elephants taken out in a procession?
Ans. The elephants are taken out in a procession on Onam in Kerala.

Chapter 10 Durga Puja
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Where is Durga Puja celebrated?
Ans. Durga Puja is mainly celebrated in the state of West Bengal.

Q.2. When is Durga Puja celebrated?
Ans. Durga Puja is celebrated before Dussehra.

Q.3. When is Goddess Durga immersed in water?
Ans. On the day of Dussehra, the image of Durga is immersed in water.

Chapter 9 Holi
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Why is Holi called a festival of lights? 
Ans. Holi is called a festival of lights because on this day people throw colours on one another.

Q.2. The Holi festival is related to which story?
Ans. The Holi festival is related to the story of Prahlad.

Chapter 8 Diwali
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Which festival is called the festival of lights?
Ans. Diwali is called the festival of lights.

Q.2 Whom do the Hindus worship on Diwali?
Ans. The Hindus worship Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth on Diwali.

Q.3 Why do we celebrate Diwali?
Ans. We celebrate Diwali because on this day, Lord Rama had returned to Ayodhya.

Chapter 7 Places Of Worship
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Where do the Hindus go to worship gods?
Ans. The Hindus go to worship gods in a temple.

Q.2 Name the two holy books of the Hindus.
Ans. Ramayana and Bhagvad Gita.

Q.3 Where do the Muslims go to worship? 
Ans. The Muslims go to worship in a Mosque.

Q.4 What is the holy book of the Sikhs called?
Ans. The holy book of the Sikhs is the Guru Granth Sahib.

Q.5 Whom do the Christians worship?
Ans. The Christians worship Jesus Christ.

Chapter 6 Hospital
Answer the following:-
Q.1 What is a hospital?
Ans. A hospital is a place where the ill or the injured people are looked after by doctors and nurses.

Q.2 Who examines the patients?
Ans. The doctors examines the patients.

Q.3 Who takes care of the patients?
Ans. The nurses take care of the patients.

Chapter 5 Police Station
Answer the following:-
Q.1 Who catches thieves and criminals?
Ans. The policeman catches thieves and criminals.

Q.2 What does the traffic policemen do?
Ans. The traffic policemen controls the traffic and prevent accidents.

Chapter 4 Fire Station
Answer the following:-
Q.1 What do we do when there is a fire?
Ans. When there is a fire, we inform the fire station.

Q.2 How do firemen fight the fire?
Ans. The firemen fight the fire by throwing water with long hose-pipes.

Q.3 What is the use of the ladder kept on the fire engine?
Ans. The fire engine has a very long ladder to reach high buildings.

Chapter 3 Market
Answer the following:-
Q.1 What is a market?
Ans. A market is a place where goods are bought and sold.

Q.2 What does the chemist shop sell?
Ans. The chemist shop sells medicines.

Q.3 What is a vendor?
Ans. A vendor is a person who sells and supplies it's products.

Chapter 2 Our School
Answer the following:-
Q.1 What is the name of your school?
And. The name of our school is St. Joseph's School.

Q.2 What is a school?
Ans. A school is a place where children are taught.

Q.3 What is a Primary School?
Ans. Schools up to class 5 is called a Primary School.

Chapter 1 Our Neighbours
Answer the following:-
Q.1. Who are neighbours?

Ans. People who live near our house are our neighbours.

Q.2. Mention two ways in which you help your neighbours.

Ans. Two ways in which we help our neighbours are:-
1) When in need of something.
2) When they are sick.

Q.3. What are the things you do with your neighbours.

Ans. The things  we do with our neighbours are:-
1) We celebrate the festivals together. 
2) We go to each other's birthday parties.

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