28/FEBRUARY TO 05/MARCH 2022CHAPTER 21: EKLAVYAEklavya was a poor Bheel boy. He lived in a jungle.
He wanted to learn to shoot with a bow and an arrow.
He wanted to make Guru Dronacharya his teacher.
But the Guru refused to teach Eklavya.
Eklavya felt very sad at this. He then had an idea. He made a clay image of Guru Dronacharya. Then he placed the image of the Guru near his hut.
Everyday, he used to touch the feet of the clay image and practise shooting day and night.
Soon Eklavya became an excellent archer. One day a dog started barking at Eklavya. Eklavya shot arrows into the dog’s mouth. The poor dog ran to his master Guru Dronacharya.
The Guru was surprised to see this. He went to Eklavya and said, "Who taught you to shoot so well, young boy?"
Eklavya showed Dronacharya the clay image and said, "Sir, you are my Guru." The Guru wanted to test Eklavya. He said, "If I am your Guru, you should pay my fees. Give me your right thumb as Guru dakshina."
Eklavya at once cut off his right thumb and offered it to the Guru. A great disciple indeed!Assignment: Study chapter 21 and do the following exercise.
CHAPTER 20: MEANS OF TRANSPORTWe go to school in a school bus.
My friend goes to school in a car.
My father goes to office on a scooter.
We use different modes of transport like cars, rickshaws, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and buses, etc.
For longer distances, we have trains and aeroplanes. All these are called vehicles.
The train moves on rail tracks only, and stops at fixed stations.
The aeroplane flies between the major cities only.
In some cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, buses, local trains and the underground railway or the metro are the main modes of transport.
We can travel from one country to another in an aeroplane.
Journey by air takes very little time, but it is quite costly.We can go from one country to another by ships, called Liners, but the journey takes many days.
These different means of transport also carry goods from one place to another.
Goods are sent by planes, ships, trains and trucks.In villages, the roads are not good for travelling. There are very few means of transport.
People use their bicycles or bullockcarts to go from one place to another.
In deserts, people use camels for travelling and carrying loads.
Assignment: Study chapter 20 and do the following exercise.
Look at these pictures.
All these means of transport have wheels.
They all move on wheels.
The aeroplane flies in the air but it has wheels to take off or land.
Many machines are run by wheels.
Many toys of children have wheels.
It is not known when the wheel was invented.
Before the invention of wheel, it was not possible to travel long distances.
It was difficult to pull heavy loads to far-off places.
Early men had to carry their luggage on their backs.
Animals and sledges were also used to carry load from one place to another.While cutting the trees, the early man noticed that round logs of wood rolled very easily.
Then he noticed that logs of wood easily rolled down the slopes of the hills.
This gave him the idea of a wheel.
He made a wheel by cutting a slice from the round log of wood.
Holes were made in the centre.
Wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
Wheel made man’s life easier.
He could now travel faster over long distances.
He could also carry his goods on carts.Watch the video... Assignment: Study chapter 19 and do the following exercises.
14/FEBRUARY TO 19/FEBRUARY 2022CHAPTER 18: THE WATER THAT WE DRINKWe all need water to live.We need water for bathing.
Water is needed to cook food.
We need water to drink.
We need water to wash our dishes.
Water is required to wash our clothes and clean our homes.
A farmer needs water to grow crops.
Plants and trees also need water.
They will die without water.
Birds and animals also need water.
They too cannot live without water.
The main source of water is the rain. The rainwater collects in springs, tanks, ponds, lakes and rivers.
We get water from many sources. At home, we get water from the taps and hand pumps.
It serves a useful purpose. It is safe for drinking.
We get this water after it is cleaned or purified. In villages, we get water from wells, tanks and ponds.The water from some sources is not safe for drinking.
During rains, the tap water becomes impure.
We must boil and filter it before drinking.Watch the video.. Assignment: Do the following exercises.
CHAPTER 17: THE FOOD THAT WE EATWe need food to live.
It helps us to grow.Food keeps us fit and healthy.
It gives us energy and strength.
Different kind of foods help us in different ways.
Some foods build our bones and muscles. They help us to grow.Pulses, milk, milk products and meat help us to grow. Children who do not take these food items do not grow well.They do not have energy to play or work.
Some foods help us to remain healthy.
They protect us from diseases.
Children eat fruits and vegetables to remain healthy.
Therefore, fruits and vegetables are also called protective food.
Children, who do not eat fruits and vegetables fall sick.
We should take a little of each kind of food everyday.
We also get our food from plants and animals.We should have good food habits.
Our food should be clean, fresh and well-cooked.
Stale or uncovered food makes us sick.
We should not waste food.Assignment: Do the following exercise.
07/FEBRUARY/2022 to 12/FEBRUARY/2022CHAPTER 16: SEASONSRainy SeasonThe rainy season falls in the months of July, August and September. The cool, wet winds, which bring rain in India are called the Monsoon winds.
Before it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
People use umbrellas or raincoats to protect themselves from the rain.
There are puddles of water on roads.
Children can be seen playing with paper boats.Sometimes, we see a rainbow on a rainy day.
There are seven colours in a rainbow.
Winter SeasonWinter season falls in the months of November, December and January.
Cold winds blow in winter.
The days are short and the nights are long.
We feel very cold.
We wear woollen clothes in winter.
I like to take hot food, soups and hot drinks in winter.I like to play in the sun.
In the mountains, there is snowfall during winter.
People like to sit around the fireplace.Children have fun.
They make snowballs, and throw them on each other.
People do skating and skiing on the snow in the hills.Spring SeasonFebruary and March are the months of spring.
The weather is very pleasant during the spring season.
03/FEBRUARY/2022CHAPTER 15: TELLING TIMESoon the sun begins to set, and it is called the evening.I play in the evening.
I do my homework in the evening.
Slowly, it begins to get dark.The stars and the moon appear in the sky.
Then it is called the night.
The moon starts shining brightly.
We switch on the lights.
We take dinner and go to bed.
Next morning again, the sun rises.
There are 24 hours in a day. Seven days make a week.
Four weeks make a month. Twelve months make a year.
There are 365 days in a year.Watch the video...
Assignment: Study chapter 15 and do the following exercise.
01/FEBRUARY/2022REVISIONCHAPTER 14: CHRISTMAS Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, every year.
It is an important festival of the Christians.
On this day, the Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
They decorate their houses with Christmas Trees and candles.
The tree itself is decorated with bright coloured stars, balls and bells.
Children believe that Santa Claus brings gifts for them on Christmas.
Churches are beautifully decorated during Christmas.
Special prayers are offered in the churches.
People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.
They wish each other a “Merry Christmas”.Watch the video... Assignment: Study chapter 14 and do the following exercise.
CHAPTER 13: EIDEid comes after Ramzan. Ramzan is the month of fasting.
The Muslims keep fast for one full month during Ramzan.
Prayers are offered everyday in the mosques.
When the new moon is seen, it is celebrated as Eid.
They wear new clothes on this day.
After the prayers, they greet each other, and say, 'Eid Mubarak'.
They cook a special sweet dish, called sevian, on this day.
They also give food and clothes to the poor on this festival.
Eid is celebrated by the Muslims all over the worldWatch the video...
18/JANUARY/2022CHAPTER 23: MANU - THE BRAVE GIRLManu was a brave girl. She loved to ride horses.
Manu learnt to use a sword during her childhood.
One day, she was riding her horse.
She met two boys on horsebacks.
She challenged them to have a race with her.
One of the boys tried to overtake Manu.
But he fell down and shouted for help. Manu turned back and got down from her horse.
The boy was badly wounded.
Manu dressed his wounds with her scarf.
She put him on her horse and took him home.
Thus Manu saved the boy’s life.
The boy’s parents were very happy and they thanked her.
When she grew up, she was married to the King of Jhansi and was called ’Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi’.
She was a brave queen. She died, fighting for the freedom of our country.Watch the video..Assignment: Study chapter 23 and do the following exercise.
13/JANUARY/2022CHAPTER 22: SHRAVANLong ago there lived a boy named Shravan Kumar. His parents were old and blind. He looked after them very well. He helped them in every way. One day his parents said, "Son, before we die, we wish to visit some holy places." As they were old and blind, they could not walk. Shravan carried them in two baskets hanging on his shoulders.One day they were passing through a jungle. His parents were very thirsty. Shravan placed their baskets in the shade of a tree. He then went to the river to get water for them. King Dasharatha was hunting in the jungle at that time. When Shravan dipped the pitcher into the river to fill water, it made a sound.
King Dasharatha thought that it must be a deer. He shot his arrow at the sound. The arrow hit Shravan in the chest. He fell down with a cry of pain. King Dasharatha was very sad. He ran to him to give him water. But Shravan Kumar told him to give water to his parents. He also requested the King not to tell them that he was dead. When Shravan's parents came to know about their son's death, they cursed king Dasharatha and died of sorrow.Assignment: Study chapter 22 and do the following exercise.11/JANUARY/2022
CHAPTER 21: EKLAVYAEklavya was a poor Bheel boy. He lived in a jungle.
He wanted to learn to shoot with a bow and an arrow.
He wanted to make Guru Dronacharya his teacher.
But the Guru refused to teach Eklavya.
Eklavya felt very sad at this. He then had an idea. He made a clay image of Guru Dronacharya. Then he placed the image of the Guru near his hut.
Everyday, he used to touch the feet of the clay image and practise shooting day and night.
Soon Eklavya became an excellent archer. One day a dog started barking at Eklavya. Eklavya shot arrows into the dog’s mouth. The poor dog ran to his master Guru Dronacharya.
The Guru was surprised to see this. He went to Eklavya and said, "Who taught you to shoot so well, young boy?"
Eklavya showed Dronacharya the clay image and said, "Sir, you are my Guru." The Guru wanted to test Eklavya. He said, "If I am your Guru, you should pay my fees. Give me your right thumb as Guru dakshina."
Eklavya at once cut off his right thumb and offered it to the Guru. A great disciple indeed!Assignment: Study chapter 21 and do the following exercise.
09/DECEMBER/2021CHAPTER 20: MEANS OF TRANSPORTWe can go from one country to another by ships, called Liners, but the journey takes many days.
These different means of transport also carry goods from one place to another.
Goods are sent by planes, ships, trains and trucks.
In villages, the roads are not good for travelling. There are very few means of transport.
People use their bicycles or bullockcarts to go from one place to another.
In deserts, people use camels for travelling and carrying loads.
Assignment: Study chapter 20 and do the following exercise.
07/DECEMBER/2021CHAPTER 20: MEANS OF TRANSPORTWe go to school in a school bus.
My friend goes to school in a car.
My father goes to office on a scooter.
We use different modes of transport like cars, rickshaws, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and buses, etc.
For longer distances, we have trains and aeroplanes. All these are called vehicles.
The train moves on rail tracks only, and stops at fixed stations.
The aeroplane flies between the major cities only.
In some cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, buses, local trains and the underground railway or the metro are the main modes of transport.
We can travel from one country to another in an aeroplane.
Journey by air takes very little time, but it is quite costly.Assignment: Study chapter 20 and try to understand it.
02/DECEMBER/2021CHAPTER 19: THE INVENTION OF WHEELWhile cutting the trees, the early man noticed that round logs of wood rolled very easily.
Then he noticed that logs of wood easily rolled down the slopes of the hills.
This gave him the idea of a wheel.
He made a wheel by cutting a slice from the round log of wood.
Holes were made in the centre.
Wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
Wheel made man’s life easier.
He could now travel faster over long distances.
He could also carry his goods on carts.Watch the videoAssignment: Study chapter 19 and do the following exercises.
Look at these pictures.
All these means of transport have wheels.
They all move on wheels.
The aeroplane flies in the air but it has wheels to take off or land.
Many machines are run by wheels.
Many toys of children have wheels.
It is not known when the wheel was invented.
Before the invention of wheel, it was not possible to travel long distances.
It was difficult to pull heavy loads to far-off places.
Early men had to carry their luggage on their backs.
Animals and sledges were also used to carry load from one place to another.Assignment: Study chapter 18 and try to understand it.
25/NOVEMBER/2021CHAPTER 18: THE WATER THAT WE DRINKBirds and animals also need water.
They too cannot live without water.
The main source of water is the rain. The rainwater collects in springs, tanks, ponds, lakes and rivers.
We get water from many sources. At home, we get water from the taps and handpumps.
It serves a useful purpose. It is safe for drinking.
We get this water after it is cleaned or purified. In villages, we get water from wells, tanks and ponds.The water from some sources is not safe for drinking.
During rains, the tap water becomes impure.
We must boil and filter it before drinking.Watch the videoAssignment: Do the following exercises.
Assignment: Study chapter 18 and try to understand it.
18/NOVEMBER/2021CHAPTER 17: THE FOOD THAT WE EATWe need food to live.
It helps us to grow.Food keeps us fit and healthy.
It gives us energy and strength.
Different kind of foods help us in different ways.
Some foods build our bones and muscles. They help us to grow.Pulses, milk, milk products and meat help us to grow. Children who do not take these food items do not grow well.They do not have energy to play or work.
Some foods help us to remain healthy.
They protect us from diseases.
Children eat fruits and vegetables to remain healthy.
Therefore, fruits and vegetables are also called protective food.
Children, who do not eat fruits and vegetables fall sick.
We should take a little of each kind of food everyday.
We also get our food from plants and animals.We should have good food habits.
Our food should be clean, fresh and well-cooked.
Stale or uncovered food makes us sick.
We should not waste food.Assignment: Do the following exercise.
16/NOVEMBER/2021CHAPTER 16: SEASONSWatch the videoAssignment: Do the following exercises.
02/NOVEMBER/2021CHAPTER 16: SEASONSRainy SeasonThe rainy season falls in the months of July, August and September. The cool, wet winds, which bring rain in India are called the Monsoon winds.
Before it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
People use umbrellas or raincoats to protect themselves from the rain.
There are puddles of water on roads.
Children can be seen playing with paper boats.Sometimes, we see a rainbow on a rainy day.
There are seven colours in a rainbow.Winter SeasonWinter season falls in the months of November, December and January.
Cold winds blow in winter.
The days are short and the nights are long.
We feel very cold.
We wear woolen clothes in winter.
I like to take hot food, soups and hot drinks in winter.I like to play in the sun.
In the mountains, there is snowfall during winter.
People like to sit around the fireplace.Children have fun.
They make snowballs, and throw them on each other.
People do skating and skiing on the snow in the hills.Spring SeasonFebruary and March are the months of spring.
The weather is very pleasant during the spring season.
Holiday Homework:- Learn notes of ch-13, 14 and 15.
We wear light, cotton clothes.
We use fans, coolers and airconditioners.
We like to have cold drinks and ice creams.Some people go to hill stations during summers because it is cooler on the hills.
They find a hill station peaceful and comfortable too.Assignment: Study chapter 16.
26/OCTOBER/2021CHAPTER 15: TELLING TIMESoon the sun begins to set, and it is called the evening.I play in the evening.
I do my homework in the evening.
Slowly, it begins to get dark.The stars and the moon appear in the sky.
Then it is called the night.
The moon starts shining brightly.
We switch on the lights.
We take dinner and go to bed.
Next morning again, the sun rises.
There are 24 hours in a day. Seven days make a week.
Four weeks make a month. Twelve months make a year.
There are 365 days in a year.Watch the video...
Assignment: Study chapter 15 and do the following exercise.
CHAPTER 15: TELLING TIMEWhen we want to know the time, we look at a clock or our watch.
The position of the sun also helps us to know the time.
The time when the sun rises is called the morning.We should always do our work at the appropriate time.At noon the sun comes overhead in the sky.
The time after the midday is called the afternoon.
It is the time to return from the school.Assignment: Study chapter 15.
07/OCTOBER/2021CHAPTER 14: CHRISTMASChristmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, every year.It is an important festival of the Christians.On this day, the Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.They decorate their houses with Christmas Trees and candles.The tree itself is decorated with bright coloured stars, balls and bells.Children believe that Santa Claus brings gifts for them on Christmas.Churches are beautifully decorated during Christmas.Special prayers are offered in the churches.People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.They wish each other a “Merry Christmas”.Watch the video...Assignment: Study chapter 14 and do the following exercise.
CHAPTER 13: EIDEid comes after Ramzan. Ramzan is the month of fasting.The Muslims keep fast for one full month during Ramzan.Prayers are offered everyday in the mosques.When the new moon is seen, it is celebrated as Eid.They wear new clothes on this day.After the prayers, they greet each other, and say, 'Eid Mubarak'.They cook a special sweet dish, called sevian, on this day.They also give food and clothes to the poor on this festival.Eid is celebrated by the Muslims all over the worldWatch the video..Assignment: Study chapter 13 and do the following exercise.
Eklavya was a poor Bheel boy. He lived in a jungle.
He wanted to learn to shoot with a bow and an arrow.
He wanted to make Guru Dronacharya his teacher.
But the Guru refused to teach Eklavya.
Eklavya felt very sad at this. He then had an idea. He made a clay image of Guru Dronacharya. Then he placed the image of the Guru near his hut.
Everyday, he used to touch the feet of the clay image and practise shooting day and night.
Soon Eklavya became an excellent archer. One day a dog started barking at Eklavya. Eklavya shot arrows into the dog’s mouth. The poor dog ran to his master Guru Dronacharya.
The Guru was surprised to see this. He went to Eklavya and said, "Who taught you to shoot so well, young boy?"
Eklavya showed Dronacharya the clay image and said, "Sir, you are my Guru." The Guru wanted to test Eklavya. He said, "If I am your Guru, you should pay my fees. Give me your right thumb as Guru dakshina."
Eklavya at once cut off his right thumb and offered it to the Guru. A great disciple indeed!
Assignment: Study chapter 21 and do the following exercise.
We go to school in a school bus.
My friend goes to school in a car.
My father goes to office on a scooter.
We use different modes of transport like cars, rickshaws, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and buses, etc.
For longer distances, we have trains and aeroplanes. All these are called vehicles.
The train moves on rail tracks only, and stops at fixed stations.
The aeroplane flies between the major cities only.
In some cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, buses, local trains and the underground railway or the metro are the main modes of transport.
We can travel from one country to another in an aeroplane.
Journey by air takes very little time, but it is quite costly.
We can go from one country to another by ships, called Liners, but the journey takes many days.
These different means of transport also carry goods from one place to another.
Goods are sent by planes, ships, trains and trucks.
In villages, the roads are not good for travelling. There are very few means of transport.
People use their bicycles or bullockcarts to go from one place to another.
In deserts, people use camels for travelling and carrying loads.
Assignment: Study chapter 20 and do the following exercise.
Look at these pictures.
All these means of transport have wheels.
They all move on wheels.
The aeroplane flies in the air but it has wheels to take off or land.
Many machines are run by wheels.
Many toys of children have wheels.
It is not known when the wheel was invented.
Before the invention of wheel, it was not possible to travel long distances.
It was difficult to pull heavy loads to far-off places.
Early men had to carry their luggage on their backs.
Animals and sledges were also used to carry load from one place to another.
While cutting the trees, the early man noticed that round logs of wood rolled very easily.
Then he noticed that logs of wood easily rolled down the slopes of the hills.
This gave him the idea of a wheel.
He made a wheel by cutting a slice from the round log of wood.
Holes were made in the centre.
Wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
Wheel made man’s life easier.
He could now travel faster over long distances.
He could also carry his goods on carts.
Watch the video...
Assignment: Study chapter 19 and do the following exercises.
We all need water to live.
We need water for bathing.
Water is needed to cook food.
We need water to drink.
We need water to wash our dishes.
Water is required to wash our clothes and clean our homes.
A farmer needs water to grow crops.
Plants and trees also need water.
They will die without water.
Birds and animals also need water.
They too cannot live without water.
The main source of water is the rain. The rainwater collects in springs, tanks, ponds, lakes and rivers.
We get water from many sources. At home, we get water from the taps and hand pumps.
It serves a useful purpose. It is safe for drinking.
We get this water after it is cleaned or purified. In villages, we get water from wells, tanks and ponds.
The water from some sources is not safe for drinking.
During rains, the tap water becomes impure.
We must boil and filter it before drinking.
Watch the video..
Assignment: Do the following exercises.
We need food to live.
It helps us to grow.
Food keeps us fit and healthy.
It gives us energy and strength.
Different kind of foods help us in different ways.
Some foods build our bones and muscles. They help us to grow.
Pulses, milk, milk products and meat help us to grow. Children who do not take these food items do not grow well.
They do not have energy to play or work.
Some foods help us to remain healthy.
They protect us from diseases.
Children eat fruits and vegetables to remain healthy.
Therefore, fruits and vegetables are also called protective food.
Children, who do not eat fruits and vegetables fall sick.
We should take a little of each kind of food everyday.
We also get our food from plants and animals.
We should have good food habits.
Our food should be clean, fresh and well-cooked.
Stale or uncovered food makes us sick.
We should not waste food.
Assignment: Do the following exercise.
07/FEBRUARY/2022 to 12/FEBRUARY/2022
Rainy Season
The rainy season falls in the months of July, August and September. The cool, wet winds, which bring rain in India are called the Monsoon winds.
Before it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
People use umbrellas or raincoats to protect themselves from the rain.
There are puddles of water on roads.
Children can be seen playing with paper boats.
Sometimes, we see a rainbow on a rainy day.
There are seven colours in a rainbow.
Winter Season
Winter season falls in the months of November, December and January.
Cold winds blow in winter.
The days are short and the nights are long.
We feel very cold.
We wear woollen clothes in winter.
I like to take hot food, soups and hot drinks in winter.
I like to play in the sun.
In the mountains, there is snowfall during winter.
People like to sit around the fireplace.
Children have fun.
They make snowballs, and throw them on each other.
People do skating and skiing on the snow in the hills.
Spring Season
February and March are the months of spring.
The weather is very pleasant during the spring season.
Soon the sun begins to set, and it is called the evening.
I play in the evening.
I do my homework in the evening.
Slowly, it begins to get dark.
The stars and the moon appear in the sky.
Then it is called the night.
The moon starts shining brightly.
We switch on the lights.
We take dinner and go to bed.
Next morning again, the sun rises.
There are 24 hours in a day. Seven days make a week.
Four weeks make a month. Twelve months make a year.
There are 365 days in a year.
Watch the video...
Assignment: Study chapter 15 and do the following exercise.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, every year.
It is an important festival of the Christians.
On this day, the Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
They decorate their houses with Christmas Trees and candles.
The tree itself is decorated with bright coloured stars, balls and bells.
Children believe that Santa Claus brings gifts for them on Christmas.
Churches are beautifully decorated during Christmas.
Special prayers are offered in the churches.
People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.
They wish each other a “Merry Christmas”.
Watch the video...
Assignment: Study chapter 14 and do the following exercise.
Eid comes after Ramzan. Ramzan is the month of fasting.
The Muslims keep fast for one full month during Ramzan.
Prayers are offered everyday in the mosques.
When the new moon is seen, it is celebrated as Eid.
They wear new clothes on this day.
After the prayers, they greet each other, and say, 'Eid Mubarak'.
They cook a special sweet dish, called sevian, on this day.
They also give food and clothes to the poor on this festival.
Eid is celebrated by the Muslims all over the world
Watch the video...
Manu was a brave girl. She loved to ride horses.
Manu learnt to use a sword during her childhood.
One day, she was riding her horse.
She met two boys on horsebacks.
She challenged them to have a race with her.
One of the boys tried to overtake Manu.
But he fell down and shouted for help. Manu turned back and got down from her horse.
The boy was badly wounded.
Manu dressed his wounds with her scarf.
She put him on her horse and took him home.
Thus Manu saved the boy’s life.
The boy’s parents were very happy and they thanked her.
When she grew up, she was married to the King of Jhansi and was called ’Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi’.
She was a brave queen. She died, fighting for the freedom of our country.
Watch the video..
Assignment: Study chapter 23 and do the following exercise.
Long ago there lived a boy named Shravan Kumar. His parents were old and blind. He looked after them very well. He helped them in every way. One day his parents said, "Son, before we die, we wish to visit some holy places." As they were old and blind, they could not walk. Shravan carried them in two baskets hanging on his shoulders.
One day they were passing through a jungle. His parents were very thirsty. Shravan placed their baskets in the shade of a tree. He then went to the river to get water for them. King Dasharatha was hunting in the jungle at that time. When Shravan dipped the pitcher into the river to fill water, it made a sound.
King Dasharatha thought that it must be a deer. He shot his arrow at the sound. The arrow hit Shravan in the chest. He fell down with a cry of pain. King Dasharatha was very sad. He ran to him to give him water. But Shravan Kumar told him to give water to his parents. He also requested the King not to tell them that he was dead. When Shravan's parents came to know about their son's death, they cursed king Dasharatha and died of sorrow.
Assignment: Study chapter 22 and do the following exercise.
Eklavya was a poor Bheel boy. He lived in a jungle.
He wanted to learn to shoot with a bow and an arrow.
He wanted to make Guru Dronacharya his teacher.
But the Guru refused to teach Eklavya.
Eklavya felt very sad at this. He then had an idea. He made a clay image of Guru Dronacharya. Then he placed the image of the Guru near his hut.
Everyday, he used to touch the feet of the clay image and practise shooting day and night.
Soon Eklavya became an excellent archer. One day a dog started barking at Eklavya. Eklavya shot arrows into the dog’s mouth. The poor dog ran to his master Guru Dronacharya.
The Guru was surprised to see this. He went to Eklavya and said, "Who taught you to shoot so well, young boy?"
Eklavya showed Dronacharya the clay image and said, "Sir, you are my Guru." The Guru wanted to test Eklavya. He said, "If I am your Guru, you should pay my fees. Give me your right thumb as Guru dakshina."
Eklavya at once cut off his right thumb and offered it to the Guru. A great disciple indeed!
Assignment: Study chapter 21 and do the following exercise.
We can go from one country to another by ships, called Liners, but the journey takes many days.
These different means of transport also carry goods from one place to another.
Goods are sent by planes, ships, trains and trucks.
In villages, the roads are not good for travelling. There are very few means of transport.
People use their bicycles or bullockcarts to go from one place to another.
In deserts, people use camels for travelling and carrying loads.
Assignment: Study chapter 20 and do the following exercise.
We go to school in a school bus.
My friend goes to school in a car.
My father goes to office on a scooter.
We use different modes of transport like cars, rickshaws, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and buses, etc.
For longer distances, we have trains and aeroplanes. All these are called vehicles.
The train moves on rail tracks only, and stops at fixed stations.
The aeroplane flies between the major cities only.
In some cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi, buses, local trains and the underground railway or the metro are the main modes of transport.
We can travel from one country to another in an aeroplane.
Journey by air takes very little time, but it is quite costly.
Assignment: Study chapter 20 and try to understand it.
While cutting the trees, the early man noticed that round logs of wood rolled very easily.
Then he noticed that logs of wood easily rolled down the slopes of the hills.
This gave him the idea of a wheel.
He made a wheel by cutting a slice from the round log of wood.
Holes were made in the centre.
Wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
Wheel made man’s life easier.
He could now travel faster over long distances.
He could also carry his goods on carts.
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Assignment: Study chapter 19 and do the following exercises.
Look at these pictures.
All these means of transport have wheels.
They all move on wheels.
The aeroplane flies in the air but it has wheels to take off or land.
Many machines are run by wheels.
Many toys of children have wheels.
It is not known when the wheel was invented.
Before the invention of wheel, it was not possible to travel long distances.
It was difficult to pull heavy loads to far-off places.
Early men had to carry their luggage on their backs.
Animals and sledges were also used to carry load from one place to another.
Assignment: Study chapter 18 and try to understand it.25/NOVEMBER/2021
Birds and animals also need water.
They too cannot live without water.
The main source of water is the rain. The rainwater collects in springs, tanks, ponds, lakes and rivers.
We get water from many sources. At home, we get water from the taps and handpumps.
It serves a useful purpose. It is safe for drinking.
We get this water after it is cleaned or purified. In villages, we get water from wells, tanks and ponds.
The water from some sources is not safe for drinking.
During rains, the tap water becomes impure.
We must boil and filter it before drinking.
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Assignment: Do the following exercises.
Assignment: Study chapter 18 and try to understand it.
We need food to live.
It helps us to grow.
Food keeps us fit and healthy.
It gives us energy and strength.
Different kind of foods help us in different ways.
Some foods build our bones and muscles. They help us to grow.
Pulses, milk, milk products and meat help us to grow. Children who do not take these food items do not grow well.
They do not have energy to play or work.
Some foods help us to remain healthy.
They protect us from diseases.
Children eat fruits and vegetables to remain healthy.
Therefore, fruits and vegetables are also called protective food.
Children, who do not eat fruits and vegetables fall sick.
We should take a little of each kind of food everyday.
We also get our food from plants and animals.
We should have good food habits.
Our food should be clean, fresh and well-cooked.
Stale or uncovered food makes us sick.
We should not waste food.
Assignment: Do the following exercise.
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Assignment: Do the following exercises.02/NOVEMBER/2021
Rainy Season
The rainy season falls in the months of July, August and September. The cool, wet winds, which bring rain in India are called the Monsoon winds.
Before it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
People use umbrellas or raincoats to protect themselves from the rain.
There are puddles of water on roads.
Children can be seen playing with paper boats.
Sometimes, we see a rainbow on a rainy day.
There are seven colours in a rainbow.
Winter Season
Winter season falls in the months of November, December and January.
Cold winds blow in winter.
The days are short and the nights are long.
We feel very cold.
We wear woolen clothes in winter.
I like to take hot food, soups and hot drinks in winter.
I like to play in the sun.
In the mountains, there is snowfall during winter.
People like to sit around the fireplace.
Children have fun.
They make snowballs, and throw them on each other.
People do skating and skiing on the snow in the hills.
Spring Season
February and March are the months of spring.
The weather is very pleasant during the spring season.
Holiday Homework:- Learn notes of ch-13, 14 and 15.
We wear light, cotton clothes.
We use fans, coolers and airconditioners.
We like to have cold drinks and ice creams.
Some people go to hill stations during summers because it is cooler on the hills.
They find a hill station peaceful and comfortable too.
Assignment: Study chapter 16.26/OCTOBER/2021
Soon the sun begins to set, and it is called the evening.
I play in the evening.
I do my homework in the evening.
Slowly, it begins to get dark.
The stars and the moon appear in the sky.
Then it is called the night.
The moon starts shining brightly.
We switch on the lights.
We take dinner and go to bed.
Next morning again, the sun rises.
There are 24 hours in a day. Seven days make a week.
Four weeks make a month. Twelve months make a year.
There are 365 days in a year.
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Assignment: Study chapter 15 and do the following exercise.
When we want to know the time, we look at a clock or our watch.
The position of the sun also helps us to know the time.
The time when the sun rises is called the morning.
We should always do our work at the appropriate time.
At noon the sun comes overhead in the sky.
The time after the midday is called the afternoon.
It is the time to return from the school.
Assignment: Study chapter 15.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, every year.
It is an important festival of the Christians.
On this day, the Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
They decorate their houses with Christmas Trees and candles.
The tree itself is decorated with bright coloured stars, balls and bells.
Children believe that Santa Claus brings gifts for them on Christmas.
Churches are beautifully decorated during Christmas.
Special prayers are offered in the churches.
People send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.
They wish each other a “Merry Christmas”.
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Assignment: Study chapter 14 and do the following exercise.
Eid comes after Ramzan. Ramzan is the month of fasting.
The Muslims keep fast for one full month during Ramzan.
Prayers are offered everyday in the mosques.
When the new moon is seen, it is celebrated as Eid.
They wear new clothes on this day.
After the prayers, they greet each other, and say, 'Eid Mubarak'.
They cook a special sweet dish, called sevian, on this day.
They also give food and clothes to the poor on this festival.
Eid is celebrated by the Muslims all over the world
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Assignment: Study chapter 13 and do the following exercise.
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